
If you had asked me this question say 20 years ago, I would have said that we control technology. We write the code, we build the machines and program them, we input data and commands to make technology work for us and we decide how much we allow technology into our lives.

Today though my answer is different. While we do all of the aforementioned, technology has taken a bit of control from us. I consider how obsessed I am with my phone. I do almost everything on it. I’m glued to social media, like most, I read on my phone more than any other device including an actual physical book and I’m constantly being barraged with content. Problem is the addiction.

Addicts, while they have a semblance of control, in theory, aren’t exactly in control. The substance they crave overrides the rational parts of their brain that are telling them what they are doing is harmful to their body and they continue to chase after their fix.

I think our addiction to technology is overriding our control. It’s not black and white and I think the further we accelerate into the future giving way to a new present, our reliance on technology will be greater and thus our control will cease to exist.

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I absolutely think tech controls us. Without it, we wouldn't even be typing right here in response to your question. While it's bad on one level, on another level it's allowing us to earn a living by connecting with people we wouldn't be able to connect with in this way. I guess it's a double edged sword.

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